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Run Spry everywhere using platforms.

The app instance of Spry is lightweight without any logic about runtime it is going to run. Using Spry Platform, we can easily integrate server with each runtime.

There are 3 base platforms:

Create a new platform

To create a new platform support, we only need to implement the Platform interface:

typedef Input = <Your request type>;
typedef Output = <Your returns value type>;

class MyPlatform extends Platform<Input, Output> {

WebSocket support

In general, WebSocket support is optional. If your platform supports WebSocket, you only need to with WebSocketPlatform<T, R> on your platform implementation:

class MyPlatform
    extends Platform<Input, Output>
    with WebSocketPlatform<Input, Output>
    FutureOr websocket(Event event, Input request, Hooks hooks) {
        // Your platform upgrading websocket logic.

Released under the MIT License.