Run Spry everywhere using platforms.
The app instance of Spry is lightweight without any logic about runtime it is going to run. Using Spry Platform
, we can easily integrate server with each runtime.
There are 3 base platforms:
Create a new platform
To create a new platform support, we only need to implement the Platform
typedef Input = <Your request type>;
typedef Output = <Your returns value type>;
class MyPlatform extends Platform<Input, Output> {
WebSocket support
In general, WebSocket support is optional. If your platform supports WebSocket, you only need to with WebSocketPlatform<T, R>
on your platform implementation:
class MyPlatform
extends Platform<Input, Output>
with WebSocketPlatform<Input, Output>
FutureOr websocket(Event event, Input request, Hooks hooks) {
// Your platform upgrading websocket logic.